How to Stay Cybersecure While Traveling

How to Stay Cybersecure While Traveling

As travel demand surges and employees continue to work remotely, it has never been more important for companies to address the cyberthreats associated with working from anywhere. Cybercriminals target remote workers by intercepting public WiFi connections, stealing or eavesdropping on devices, and taking advantage of the fact that cybersecurity is often an afterthought when employees are traveling. Beyond technical resources like VPNs and password managers, companies have to develop a culture of cybersecurity among all their employees – whether they’re in the office or not. 

Cybersecurity awareness is particularly important when employees are out of the office and away from secure internal networks and IT teams. Now that remote work is here to stay, CISOs and other company leaders should prioritize cybersecurity like never before.

Given the mounting threats remote workers face, NINJIO CISO Matt Lindley was recently tapped to share tips for ensuring that remote employees keep the company safe from cyberattacks. Speaking with Business Traveler Magazine, he shared four keys to building up a defensive wall against attacks no matter where employees are located:

  • Don’t ignore the simple fixes. Password managers, VPNs, and multi-factor authentication are simple and inexpensive tools that dramatically improve a company’s cybersecurity posture for remote workers.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and protect your work devices. When employees are on the same networks as IoT devices (such as appliances and smart home terminals) that haven’t been updated with robust security software, the devices they use for work are at risk.
  • Make cybersecurity awareness a core priority. It’s crucial for companies to build effective cybersecurity platforms that equip employees with the knowledge they need to stay safe – no matter where they happen to be.
  • Develop a culture of cybersecurity in and out of the office. If you want employees to become cyber defenders, you have to give them compelling reasons to care about cybersecurity all the time whether they’re in the office or abroad. 

The most valuable cybersecurity resource employees have is their own cyber awareness, which they can take wherever they go. To learn more about travel security, read Matt’s full article here.